Introduction, I Corinthians 3:9-17
Part 1: Following Jesus on the Way
1.1 Good News of God’s Kingdom, Matthew 16:13-28
1.2 The Way of Jesus, John 1:35-51
1.2 The Way of Jesus, Mark 1:30-45
1.4 Accepting God’s Love, Luke 15:11-32
1.5 The Great Commission Matthew 10
Part 2: Sharing Christian Love
2.1 By Listening, Mark 10:46-52
2.2 By Healing and Forgiving, Matthew 9:1-15
2.3 By Shepherding, John 21
2.4 By Serving, Matthew 25:31-46
2.5 By Reconciling, Luke 6:27-37
2.6 The Great Commandment, Luke 10:25-37
Part 3: Becoming Disciples in Community
3.1 Helping People Experience the Way of Jesus, Romans 12
3.2 Helping People Connect to Community, Luke 5:17-26
3.3 Building Community through Small Groups / Ministry Teams, Luke 24:13-35
3.4 Helping People Act from Their Giftedness, I Corinthians 12
3.5 Supporting Holistic Life in Community, Luke 10:1-24
Part 4: Leading With Jesus
4.1 Leading from Relationship with Jesus, Mark 4:35-41
4.2 Sharing Leadership, Exodus 18:13-26
4.3 Guiding and Serving, Ezekiel 34, Psalm 23 and John 10
4.4 Developing Followers and Leaders, Acts 8:26-40
4.5 Discerning God’s Call to the Community, I Kings 19:9-18
4.6 Working for Transformation, Ephesians 4
Conclusion: Follow where Jesus leads, John 15:3