The church community has a unique way of looking at roles and responsibilities of leaders because we focus on the body of Christ and each person’s unique contribution to it. Christian leaders do not come to “lord it over” anyone or to be served, but to serve.
Serving others primarily means helping them to live in God’s kingdom and to be the people God has created them and is calling them to be. This depends much more on discerning God’s will and applying the gifts, passions, and abilities of others than it does on any particular leader. The real evaluative question is whether each person is performing his or her particular function within the body of Christ. A key is recognizing and applying individual strengths and finding other people to cover other areas. Each leader has a role in identifying gifts and calling people into ministry. In a church community, rather than asking leaders “How much have you done?” the primary question is “How many others have you involved?” A single individual can’t effectively discern for or lead the community. All Christian leaders must be able to accept this and be open to learning and dialogue to fully involve people in the body of Christ and to grow beyond their own personal limitations and perspectives.